Empowering the next generation of women in construction

Schools Industry Partnership, Adrian Rhodes

NAWIC (National Association of Women in Construction) have recently launched a new podcast titled "The Leaky Pipeline," which they believe can make a significant impact, especially for young female students considering a path in construction.


"The Leaky Pipeline" delves into the world of construction, offering insightful conversations, industry trends, and success stories. The goal is to break down barriers and inspire the next generation of female talent to explore opportunities in this dynamic field.


By tuning in, students can gain valuable insights into the various facets of the construction industry, providing them with a clearer understanding of the exciting career paths available. NAWIC is confident that the podcast can serve as a valuable resource for those navigating their educational and professional journeys.

You can listen to "The Leaky Pipeline" podcasts hereor on apple podcasts, spotify or any platform where you get your podcasts. Please share it with anyone who might find it beneficial.


NAWIC provide volunteers to take part in Inspiring the Future Australia events in schools and are expanding the career horizons of female students.  The ITF Team endorses "The Leaky Pipeline" podcasts as a great careers resource for teachers, students and parents.